This online course is tailored for a non-technical audience and explores AI’s transformative impact on financial services, with a primary focus on real-world cases. The course will start by presenting foundational AI concepts and related trends in the financial sector, illustrating its applications through accessible use cases of methods such as clustering analysis, random forest, neural networks, and Natural Language Processing. This will enable to introduce the main characteristics of AI models, including Generative AI (e.g.,
Large Language Models (LLM)). Live classes will focus into sector-specific use cases from the financial industry, covering different types of companies (start-ups, big tech, and incumbent financial institutions).
The course will further address the critical aspects of governance and ethics in AI, against the background of the emerging regulatory framework in the area. Specific attention will be devoted to the supervisory implications of AI, providing insights on how supervisory authorities shall adapt to this technological evolution and navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by this rapidly advancing field.
What is AI & ML, including generative AI (e.g. , LLM) – non-technical explanation
In vitro show case of AI&ML applications
Use cases of applications in the financial sectors by players (Big Tech; Startup; Incumbents)
Supervisory implications of AI in the financial sectors
Regulatory framework concerning AI
Responsible AI
Governance of AI
This online module is designed for audience without technical or quantitative backgrounds who would like to learn the impact of AI and ML in the financial sector and the implications for supervisors.