Online training
17 March - 11 April 2025
The EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy (EU-SDFA) is a TSI flagship initiative aimed at supporting financial supervisory authorities in coping with the risks and opportunities associated to the use of advanced technologies in the financial sector. The European Commission – DG Reform has established the Academy in cooperation with the three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA – ESMA – EIOPA) and the Florence School of Banking and Finance part of the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute (FBF-EUI). The EU-SDFA encompasses comprehensive training cycles and workshops enabling the acquisition of new expertise and skills, knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer exchanges within the financial supervisory community.
National Competent Authorities
Member states
Supervisors trained
Training activities
This publication features contributions from experts in the field, covering key topics discussed during the second academic year of the EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy.
HDIW | National risk assessment
HDIW | Responsible digital wage payments
HDIW | The Digital Euro